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Wellington Waste Heroes

Valley Of WasteMiramar Central
00:00 / 02:24

Room 4

Welcome to the valley of food waste oof

Welcome to the valley of food waste oof



 I‘m walking through the valley of food waste   

 I take a little time to check my space

I realise that I need to reduce my waste   

I don’t want to leave in big disgrace


Room 8

Welcome to the valley of food waste oof

Welcome to the valley of food waste 



Leftover food from a meal that I cooked 

I pack in a box for my lunch and I’m good

bananas go brown and I throw them in the cake

Turn the temperature up so it’s ready to bake


Room 9

Welcome to the valley of food waste oof

Welcome to the valley of food waste 



too much waste in my base

need to be smart about my space

No more food goes to waste

    In a good mood from the taste


Cut the rotten apples up throw them in the crumble

mumble bumble we got humble crumble

Welcome to the valley  of food waste

Welcome to the valley of food waste  


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