Mahi Tahi
Draft edit - Song
Tui - Kaitiakitanga
Look it's our friends in the sky
Tui, Ruru and Kahu flying by
sent by Rangi to tell us a story
about AIS its mana and glory
Thanks to papatuanuku for life & kai
Rangi gives us tears of water from up high
Without these two we can not live our lives
That's our Kaitiakitanga of our earth & sky
Chorus x2
Ka mahi Tahi Tatou,
Ka taua…. tatou
Raru - Whanaungatanga
Whanautanga connecting with me
Look around me all I see is family
Mahi tahi, Tui, Ruru and kahu
Mahi tahi, Tui, Ruru and kahu
We living with each other
Treat them like a brother
Sister, dad, mother
we are kind to each other
Chorus x2
Ka mahi Tahi Tatou,
Ka taua…. tatou
Kahu - Manaakitanga
Chorus x2
Ka mahi Tahi Tatou,
Ka taua…. tatou
Tui Ruru & Kahu - Mauri ora